    ~~~~“Anne! Jo! I mean, Max!” Mothers often mix up their children’s names, but studies show that moms are not the only ones who make this mistake. 11 name phenomenon turns out to be very common. Almost everyone sometimes mixes up the names of their family and friends.
    ~~~~The phenomenon is called a “cognitive glitch” by researchers in the field of cognitive science. It is not caused by a bad memory or by aging processes that affect brain functioning. It is simply a result of the way our brain 12 those we love.
    ~~~~When our brain is attempting to retrieve a name so that we can say it, it is likely that another name in the same group will come to our lips 13 the one we meant to say. That is because in order to find the name we are looking for, we are essentially 14 the whole set of names in that group, which includes all our beloved family members. Scientists also report that the category 15 the person belongs (family, close friends, etc.) is far more influential in causing a mix-up than any phonetic similarity between names. Names that sound alike do not usually trigger the mix-up.
    ~~~~Isn’t it great to know that when you call others by the wrong name, it is evidence of your love for them all?
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